Sunday, 28 December 2014
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Monday, 22 December 2014
Nechce sa mi písať. Čo chcem, je kresliť. Prečo to človek vždy zistí, až keď už začne niečo iné? Zapnem si seriál a uvedomím si, že chcem knihu. Vytiahnem ceruzky a túžim po štetci. Dnes píšem a chcem ceruzky. Tak idem po ne.
P.S. Let it snow od Johna Greena, Maureen Johnson a Lauren Myracle si musíte prečítať, ja som zamilovaná!!!!!!!!!! :3 :3
Friday, 12 December 2014
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
The worst feeling ever is when your parents ask you what university you want to go to and you've known the answer for ages; you know the school, you known the course you'd take... yet you say you have no idea or you tell them what they want to hear, because you know that if you told them the truth you'd be mocked. So you lie and smile and then slowly walk away to cry into your pillow. Call me a coward all you will, I couldn't care less. If you do, you have no idea what it feels like to be doubted all the time or to live with people who don't understand you a little bit... parents who take you for just an average kid and see your future so similar to theirs. Study something that will get you steady job, do that for the rest of your life, get married, have kids. Be no different from the rest of the world. That's what average people do. I am not average, and this is not even close to what I expect of my life. What I'm telling is not to show off, if anything, I deserve your pity for being of intelligence that is considered highly over average, because it is curse. It makes you want more than average life and sometimes that's not to be had. I don't want just to get through this life like many do, unnoticed... I want to be an artist. I want to create. I want to do something to make the world more interesting place, to make people smile and laugh and be happy...
I cannot do what is expected of me, I can't just get some useless Slovak school degree and do useless job that anyone could do. Yet you have no idea what it feels to do all and be prepared to do even more to gain what you desire most, to be able to sacrifice all for it, yet realise is not even close to being enough... and knowing that no matter what, you'll end up between those people you are not one of and you don't understand... and then you'll just wait until they slowly drain the life out of you... and than, hopefully, you'll die. Depressed, cigarette between your lips, the only one whose kiss you truly desired.
Oh, what a bright future awaits me...
Monday, 1 December 2014
Beautiful and dead
-Then fuck it all
-I'd like to
-Do it then
-But I care too much
-We all do
-And soon we end up broken
-But if we didn't feel at all, would we stay humans?
-No, and that would be perfect.
-Wouldn't we become monsters, though?
-We all are anyway. I want to feel as much pain as is needed to kill me or no pain at all.
-Pain's so close to pleasure sometimes… it is still a feeling and any feeling is better than the emptiness when you feel nothing at all
-Yeah well, people kill themselves to feel as empty as possible.
-I believe it's the empty people who kill themselves before the emptiness does it for them
-I believe it will be my words that will kill me one day.
-Being killed by words is the most beautiful death I can imagine
-Die creative and drunk.
-With a cigarette between your lips
-And genius words on the paper below your beautiful arms.
-Those arms with old marks of suffering like paintings
-And the last cigarette you've smoked, the very last and the tastiest poison you've ever had. Stuck between your red painted lips. Your last kisser.
-The only one who never attempted to break your heart, yet slowly kept destroying you from inside
-How smart can this lover be.... Dangerous and well known, yet still so lovable.
-And the way he keeps kissing, you forget he'll kill you in the end
-And he is also so protective. He never lets other people love you because he wants all of you. Every little breath, every passionate kiss.
-And with every kiss a little bit more of him stays with you, the beautiful smoke that your soul slowly sinks in
-And with every cloud of this smoke, your eyes become more and more blind. And as blind you can see so much more.
-Yet one day you may realise that the world your blind eyes see is quite different from the world the rest knows
-We all know that world inside our head is not just great. It's also infinite. And infinite can't be seen with eyes. You need to see every part of never ending with different part of your broken heart.